What We Do
We participate in a number of activities in support of the community & beyond, including major initiatives of Lions Clubs International. These activities are continually changing to keep pace with rapid changes in the community:
Lions Foundation of Canada - Dog Guide Program
Lions Club Camp Kirk - for children with special needs (Kirkfield ON) Autism
Monthly Environmental Community Cleanups
Lions Christmas Toy Drive (collecting toys, food & other gifts for families in need)
Latcham Gallery Student Art Awards
Library - New Children's Learning Centre, Spring Break, & Summer Reading Programs
Whitchurch-Stouffville Santa Parade
Food Bank support
Terry Fox Run
Annual financial donations supporting:
SDSS Band trips, drama and history students
WS Scout's Jamboree
School achievement awards and bursaries including student artists of Latcham Gallery & SDSS Graduations
Aid and assistance to our less fortunate neighbours (case by case basis)
BBQ's in spring & fall for school parent-teachers gatherings
Previous Activities
Jennifer Ashleigh Foundation
Trees of Hope - distribution of free seedlings to residents they can plant on their own property
Dash for Diabetes & Relay for Life
Message In a Bottle - providing immediate access to complete emergency medical information for emergency services.
Annual Vision Screening for Senior Kindergarten children
A $10,000 donation to the renovated Whitchurch-Stouffville Library for the Youth Literacy Centre
An outdoor education centre for St. Bridget Catholic School
Sponsorship for many Baseball & Hockey Teams
Financing and assisted in building the Gazebo on Main Street,
Financing and assisted in building the new pavilion in memorial park
Financing and assisted in building of the new Train Station
Financing the renovations to make Latcham Hall wheelchair accessible
Roast Beef BBQ's prior to Strawberry Festival
Seniors Christmas Light Tour
Funding for:
Seniors and children's programs
A grand piano for Nineteen on the Park Theatre
A snack booth
An out-door swimming pool and fencing around the pool
Children's play grounds
The old arena on Park Street
Community fundraising include
To provide for our community, financial assistance is provided through several annual fund raisers:
Christmas Tree Sale
Rubber Ducky Races
BBQs - Food Service